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Andrew Johnston 1895 - 1985


Andrew Johnston

AUDIO RECORDINGS - Click to play

Andrew Johnston Testimony

Andrew Johnston - Whither Goest Thou - Palmerston North 3-5-1964

Andrew Johnston - Meanings of Sin - Palmerston North 5-5-1964

Andrew Johnston - My Life Story - Palmerston North 6-5-1964

Andrew Johnston - Lamb in the Ditch - Palmerston North 7-5-2013

Andrew Johnston - The King's Discovery - Palmerston North 10-5-1964

Fa's Letter after having been blinded  PDF Document - This is a  letter which Fa ( Andrew Johnston) wrote to Pearsons Father John, Andrews oldest brother, after being blinded.  It was written in pencil and there are one or two words which have not been able to decipher. Charley is Andrews' Cousin Charles who was injured.  Charles accompanied Fa to Scotland  during the summer break from St Dunstan's.  It was while on holiday there that Andrew and Nellie met.


Pearson Johnston’s memories of his Uncle Andrew Johnston.  




Andrew Marchbank Johnston was born on July 22 1895.His father was George Proudfoot Johnston and his mother Mary,nee Byars. 


Andrew sailed to France in 1918 and saw me, his first nephew before he left.  On the first day of his service on the front line he was blinded by enemy gunfire.  Following this he was shipped to England where he attended a school for the blind.  Here he was taught to use Braille and how to use a typewriter.  He was also instructed in the art of poultry farming, and learned Braille that enabled him to study a Braille bible that was donated. 

With skill he made me a swing. 


Visiting friends in Scotland he met Helen (Nellie) Henderson who was to become his wife.  Andrew returned to Gore in 1919 and was engaged by the manager of Wright Stevenson as a typist.  Nellie and her family came to New Zealand in 1920, and on June 11th of that year she and Andrew were married at the East Gore Presbyterian church.  Andrew and Nellie set up home in Gore on a couple of acres where he established a poultry farm, putting into practise what he had learned in England.   


Andrew was renowned for his preaching and was a noted evangelist. I was often asked to sit with Andrew as he preached. Andrew preached God’s grace.  His word of command few could equal, and the power of God’s Holy Spirit was paramount in his personal faith.  To Andrew’s brief appeals many surrendered their lives to the purpose of God’s will. 


With love Helen attended to Andrew’s needs at home and in his ministry.  During his retirement he rode his horse frequently around the outskirts of Gore and often over the bridge to the family home at Maitland, returning during the afternoon.  The Gore RSA contributed to Andrew’s welfare.  Andrew died on Good Friday April 5th 1985, and Nellie died June 5th 1996. 


Andrew Johnston - Blind Soldier Evangelist

Uncle Andrew Johnston. 

As a young school boy, Andrew responded to James Dickie appeal and gave his heart, and surrendered to God's will and was born again by the Holy Spirit. 

Uncle Andrew looked forward to Jesus' second coming. 

Andrew was trained in horse management by his father George. 

One season Andrew was horse jumping at the Gore A & P Show. 

Andrew was keen in judging animals. 


Andrew was an early bird, and did not linger into the night. Andrew was a fast worker. 

He attended the weekly prayer meetings. 

Andrew was always praising God for Jesus, his saviour and Lord. 

His song  "Trust and Obey." He knew that  - Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. 

Uncle Andrew walked with God 



Light-in-Darkness (Scroll down on page sides to see all pages)

Brother Albert

Brother Alex

Nephew Pearson


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